Today students in year 11 were visited by Saheed, Harun and Shabina from the charity End FGM. FGM is known as lots of different things in lots of different countries but it is a procedure where a females genitals are deliberately cut. FGM is a crime in the UK and has been since 1984. The objective of the charity is to raise awareness of FGM and also to help and support victims of FGM emotionally and financially. The charity works with the police and schools because FGM is recognised internationally as a violation of the human rights of women and girls.
Our students listened well and gained further awareness about what FGM is and how they can help to end FGM by challenging traditional customs and spreading awareness.
Student comments:
“It is a good thing that awareness is being spread as it opens your eyes to other problems in the world. It is a pretty serious and sensitive issue and it was good to learn about it,” Karam
“It was good because it spread more awareness of FGM. We knew a bit about it but we have learnt more information about it today,” Michelle and Jade
“It was interesting to learn about FGM today because it is something that we should be more open about,” Owen
