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The Governing Body 




The Governing Body consists of Co-opted, Parent, Staff, Local Authority and Associate Governors. They are all unpaid volunteers who have the best interests of the school at heart and come with a diverse range of skills and expertise. The Chair and Vice Chair oversee subcommittees, each with responsibility for support in different areas.

Sub Committees

This section is currently being updated.

Agreed that the constitution of the Pay/Personnel Committee be amended to provide that in addition to the existing membership, any other Governor or Governors could be appointed to the Committee at the discretion of the Chair.


Link Governors


This section is currently being updated.


Leadership and Management – TBC

Achievement and Pupil Premium – Sue Moore

Teaching and Learning and SEND – Zoe Stuart

Behaviour – TBC

Safety/Safeguarding - Jane Francis


Attendance at Governor Meetings
This section is currently being updated.
Register of Business Interests and Pecuniary Interests
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