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School News

Girls tough test at the Football Tournament

On Tuesday our girls football group had their first tournament experience. We didn’t manage to win a game tonight but the girl’s enthusiasm, determination, resilience, and just overall persona to not give up was something to be admired. We came up against some very well organised teams – one game we narrowly lost 1-0 but had ample opportunities to score/win the game. Bethany Tomlinson (our captain) has worked very hard to organise the girls, sorting out the team and ensuring they had all got consent to play. Her performance tonight was just fantastic. Full of encouragement to her team, running backwards and forwards to support defence and attack, desire to win challenges and commitment to every cause.


Beth Tomlinson ©

T’kai Hamilton

Georgia Aston

Britaney Yates

Lacey Jackson

Demi Daley

Keira Walker

Summer Tonks

Heaydien Makengo

Skye Dann

Vannessa Moriczova

Sala Abdul Mumin

Denaya Blake

Jasmine Bains

The group will only learn from here and will hopefully keep up this attitude during after school clubs. They will have 3 more weeks of tournaments on Tuesdays and they will get better and better!

For now, we congratulate them on their efforts. Well done girls!


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