On Monday evening a declaration event took place at the Wolverhampton Civic Centre. William and Milan, our two student council representatives, were cordially invited to officially take up office.
The event was attended by youth councillors and their families. Special guests included the Mayor of Wolverhampton who gave an address and presented the new youth councillors with certificates. The Mayor of Wolverhampton Councillor Sandra Samuels OBE was joined by the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People Councillor Beverley Momenabadi, Deputy Leader Councillor Stephen Simkins, Executive Director of Families Emma Bennett, Deputy Director of Commissioning and Transformation Andrew Wolverson and other councillors to welcome the new youth councillors.
Student comments:
“It was great to be introduced to other youth councillors from different schools across the city. I look forward to working with them going forward” William.
“I loved seeing some new and some old faces. I also enjoyed listening to the speeches being given by the youth council officers, the Mayor and other councillors” Milan.
